Educational science research and teaching at the University of Jyväskylä


What kind of research the Faculty of Education and Psychology provides in the University of Jyväskylä?

You will get to know more about the research through the following videos, when Kaija Collin, Petteri Eerola, Aleksi Fornaciari, Merja Koivula, Matti Rautiainen and Minna Torppa describe what kind of research they are conducting and interested in. See the videos here.



Faculty of Education and Psychology offers the widest profile in the field of education in Finland. Degree programs and curriculums at the Faculty, for example in basic level studies, follow largely phenomenon-based approach. Under the degree programs at the Department of Education, one can study to become special education teacher, education and adult education expert – with option to complete pedagogical studies in adult education, and early childhood education professional and/or teacher. Under the programs at the Department of Teacher Education, one can study to become a primary school teacher or a school counselor, or complete pedagogical studies to become a subject teacher. Different combinations and unique paths are also possible.

One can proudly say that the degree programs prepare broad range of education professionals and experts for different organizations and positions in the field of education. Aside the degree programs, one can also complete shorter qualification studies to became, for example, a qualified teacher or an educational leader, like a school principal. Faculty also provides numerous shorter professional training and development courses, like ones offered through the Institute of Educational Leadership aiming to support the development and keeping up the standards of Finnish Education System.

There are two international degree programs at the Faculty. Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Sciences and joint Master’s Degree Programme in Development, Education and International Collaboration run in collaboration with the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy. In addition to students attending these international degree programs, our Faculty has numerous exchange students each year.

You can read more about the programs and education at the Faculty through the following links:
Department of Education
Department of Teacher Education