Sociology of Education

What does the field study?
The sociology of education looks at the effects of education and training on society, such as stability and change. The field investigates how the different public and broad societal structures and trends affect and define the contents, values, and organization of education (see e.g. Antikainen, Rinne, & Koski 2006, 20–100). The question of sociological education is intertwined with the contradictory roles of school and education in that they are the builders of individual opportunities while also being a form of social control.

What questions does the field examine?
Is it possible to change society through education and training? If so, how? How and why have school organizations (e.g. Finnish) become the way they are (Antikainen et al., 2013)?

In the following video, senior lecturer Matti Rautiainen discusses the sociological aspect of educational sciences.

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