4. Scientific knowledge and thinking

Scientific knowledge is a central element of pedagogical expertise and its development. It is constructed based on different starting points of the philosophy of science, with the aim of producing new, societally significant knowledge. The phenomenon is related to such themes as scientific thinking, the essence of scientific knowledge, the research approaches and methods of educational sciences, research ethics, and the responsible conduct of research. Education is analysed as a discipline in relation to other disciplines. Based on problems encountered in practice, students learn to formulate theoretical research questions and thereby construct research-based knowledge. They also learn to critically evaluate and interpret their observations and to investigate different phenomena guided by the principles of research.

Consider how the phenomenon scientific knowledge and thinking can be examined from the perspective of the disciplines above. Choose the psychology of education, the sociology of education, the philosophy of education, the history of education, comparative education, educational policy, the economics of education or didactics and come up with an example. You can use the Map of Educational Sciences for help.